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Cruise making port on time?


New member
This is my first cruise...

Does anyone have any experience with the Carnival Liberty cruise from Miami>Nassau>st. thomas>San Juan>Grand turk? What is their record of making ports on time? We leave Nassau at 2pm on monday and are supposed to get to St. Thomas at 11am on tuesday.

Specifically, do they typically get to St. Thomas on time, early or late? My wedding is on the island at 1pm (not booked through carnival). We all need to be at the resort (3 miles from port) at 12pm. Will we be ok? Any help would be much appreciated.
All cruise ships have a little leeway built into their schedules. It is not unusual for ships to leave port a little late. The time is typically made up by adjusting cruising speed to the next port - this is a normal occurrence. Your specific itinerary won't be much different than any other. The one benefit you do have is the distance between Nassau and St. Thomas is pretty large (just under 1,000 miles), with it being such a large distance it is much easier to make up time versus a short hop in between ports.

I would also let Guest Services onboard know about your wedding in St. Thomas. They will make sure you have priority debarking at the port, allowing you and whomever may be associated with your party to be some of the first people of the ship.

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