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Port of Norfolk, Virginia Live Ship Traffic / Marine Traffic - Cruising Earth

Port of Norfolk, Virginia
Live Ship / Marine Traffic

Port of Norfolk, Virginia

Port City Details & Statistics

Sat Sep 07, 2024
10:27 AM EDT
71 °F
Port of Norfolk, Virginia current weather conditions: Moderate Rain
Moderate Rain
Pop. Year:
Land Area:
53.7 mi2
4,577 / mi2
36.8475° N
76.2974° W
UTC -04:00

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Ships That Homeport In The Port of Norfolk, Virginia

  1. Ferdinand R. Hassler | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  2. Thomas Jefferson | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  3. USNS Comfort | United States Navy Military Sealift Command
  4. USS Abraham Lincoln | United States Navy
  5. USS Anzio | United States Navy
  6. USS Arlington | United States Navy
  7. USS Bainbridge | United States Navy
  8. USS Bataan | United States Navy
  9. USS Carl Vinson | United States Navy
  10. USS Cole | United States Navy
  11. USS Dwight D. Eisenhower | United States Navy
  12. USS Forrest Sherman | United States Navy
  13. USS Fort Lauderdale | United States Navy
  14. USS George H. W. Bush | United States Navy
  15. USS George Washington | United States Navy
  16. USS Gerald R. Ford | United States Navy
  17. USS Gettysburg | United States Navy
  18. USS Gonzalez | United States Navy
  19. USS Gravely | United States Navy
  20. USS Harisburg / United States Navy
  21. USS Harry S. Truman | United States Navy
  22. USS Hué City | United States Navy
  23. USS Iwo Jima | United States Navy
  24. USS James E. Williams | United States Navy
  25. USS John C. Stennis | United States Navy
  26. USS Kearsarge | United States Navy
  27. USS Laboon | United States Navy
  28. USS Leyte Gulf | United States Navy
  29. USS Mahan | United States Navy
  30. USS Mason | United States Navy
  31. USS McFaul | United States Navy
  32. USS Mesa Verde | United States Navy
  33. USS Mitscher | United States Navy
  34. USS Monterey | United States Navy
  35. USS New York | United States Navy
  36. USS Nimitz | United States Navy
  37. USS Nitze | United States Navy
  38. USS Oscar Austin | United States Navy
  39. USS Philippine Sea | United States Navy
  40. USS Porter | United States Navy
  41. USS Ramage | United States Navy
  42. USS Richard M. McCool Jr. | United States Navy
  43. USS Ronald Reagan | United States Navy
  44. USS Ross | United States Navy
  45. USS San Antonio | United States Navy
  46. USS San Jacinto | United States Navy
  47. USS Stout | United States Navy
  48. USS Truxtun | United States Navy
  49. USS Vicksburg / United States Navy
  50. USS Wasp | United States Navy
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