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Hi I've been a member for a while but have not realy posted to the forum. I use the site to follow my son around on his travels, I know for a fact that his ship is in LA for a week but Cruisin has them on there way to Mexico. Confused .com :confused:
We can only display the information that is made available to us. We don't create the data, we just offer a service to allow you to quickly see what data is currently available.

All AIS ship tracking data we use originally comes from land based AIS reporting centers, goes through a central processing center and is then relayed to us. This encompasses data on nearly 70,000 vessels which update there information typically about once a minute. The data involved is extremely large and is not uncommon for data at times to get delayed, be inaccurate, or be missing. The technology behind the AIS data is quite old and hasn't been updated in a decade. The newest technology S-AIS (satellite based tracking) data is slowly becoming available. Unfortunately, it costs hundred of dollars just to track a few ships, let alone the entire fleet of cruise ships world-wide. Typically the only people you see with access to the latest S-AIS services are the commercial shipping/cruising operators themselves.

Automatic Identification System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hi I've been a member for a while but have not realy posted to the forum. I use the site to follow my son around on his travels, I know for a fact that his ship is in LA for a week but Cruisin has them on there way to Mexico. Confused .com :confused:

Don't fret, if you know the ship's itinerary, you'll know where it is from day to day. It IS nice, though, to sort of "see" the ship on its voyage. I take it your son is a crew member. What does he do, and what ship/line? My oldest daughter also works on a ship, and I often take a look on the tracking map to see where she is, although I know her itinerary and routine. She's on the NCL Sun as a production cast member (dancer). Her first cruise on this ship was a repositioning cruise, two weeks from LA to Tampa; the remainder of her contract will be cruising the Yucatan coast. We cruised on her ship over Thanksgiving week and got to see her perform every show, plus the ship allowed her to spend much of her time with us. Have you cruised with your son?
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