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Hello all!


New member
Just signed up for this site today...but not new to cruising! Going on our 10th Carnival cruise in March 2013 and have done 1 Norwegian! Hoping to find this to be a great site without too many people complaining! :p
... Hoping to find this to be a great site without too many people complaining! :p

Yes, unfortunately some people take the "Critic" part a little too seriously. We'll be doing are best not to let that attitude infest our forums for sure. You'll find an easy to use "Ignore User" link in the header of every post too. After clicking on it, all of that user's posts will be hidden from your view. I think when the chronic pessimists and complainers get no replies to their posts they'll get the hint!

Welcome to you both ...and spread the word that we're here!
Yes, unfortunately some people take the "Critic" part a little too seriously. We'll be doing are best not to let that attitude infest our forums for sure. You'll find an easy to use "Ignore User" link in the header of every post too. After clicking on it, all of that user's posts will be hidden from your view. I think when the chronic pessimists and complainers get no replies to their posts they'll get the hint!

Welcome to you both ...and spread the word that we're here!

I've only really lurked at that other site, so I'm new to the cruising community. I like what I see though. Thank you!