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First time cruiser - new to CRUISIN, too


New member
My DW and I decided last summer to take our first cruise to celebrate our 33rd Anniversary. We'll be leaving on the Carnival Magic out of Galveston for a 7 day western Caribbean adventure leaving on 27 Jan 2013.

I joined this site about a week ago and already gained quite a bit of good information about Carnival in general and the Carnival Magic in particular. Thanks! :)

Although we currently live in the desert in west Texas and love it, we have high hopes our cruise will be something that will make us want to travel this way more often. And since we just found out we will be transferring to Houston in about 8 months, getting to Galveston or New Orleans will be a fairly easy drive.

Again, thanks for all of the great information and positives on the website.
Hi Midlander, my husband and I are taking our first cruise too. We are celebrating 32 yrs of marriage and are also from West Texas. Big Lake to be exact. We will be getting off the ship (magic) as you are getting on. Hopefully we will all find great fun in cruising. We transferred to La Grange which is 95 miles West of Houston. Love this area. The trees and water make getting out of that West Texas desert a delight.
Jealous of you both ...the Houston/Galveston area is really starting to takeoff as far as cruising goes. Norwegian Cruise Lines and Princess Cruises both just announced at the end of last year they will be seasonally sailing out of the new Bay Port Cruise Terminal (about halfway between Houston and Galveston, on the Northeast side of Galveston Bay). That along with Carnival Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean International and Disney Cruises out of the Port of Galveston makes for some great cruising options.

Two modern cruise ports and 5 major cruise lines basically in your backyard. Tons of options and the increased competition will be great for pricing!

Welcome to Cruising Earth!
Wow, I am from Big Lake originally! Talk about a small world. I graduated RCHS in 1972 before I joined the Navy. Finally got back to West Texas 3 years ago and now the company is moving us back to Houston. Bummer. I love the La Grange area!
RCHS class of 80

Midlander, my whole family graduated from RCHS my brother played football there probably heard of him Don C. them my sister in 71, Iris C , and then the last of us followed with me in 80 and my wife in 82, We are really getting excited to go on our cruise, What kind of work do you Do? There are several people from BL in the Houston area another you should know is the oldest Walker from MidKifff, let's try and make contact off of here, RFC
Wow, I am from Big Lake originally! Talk about a small world. I graduated RCHS in 1972 before I joined the Navy. Finally got back to West Texas 3 years ago and now the company is moving us back to Houston. Bummer. I love the La Grange area!
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