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First time cruiser!!


New member
Hi there! My name is Shauna, 39 years old, from Texas. I'm a single mom to my 12 year old daughter, I work full time for the same employer of 13 years, and I'm pursuing my college degree online through The University of Alabama. Roll Tide!

I have never been on a cruise and need all the help and advice I can get! lol! I am very grateful to say that out of 35 THOUSAND people I won the "Crimson Tide Cruise" which is all inclusive except for alcohol and the port taxes and gratuity and I get to bring a guest; my guest will be my sister. Girl's Vacay!! We will be cruising on the Carnival Valor February 10-15 and will be going out of New Orleans. There is definitely so much I need to know about going on a cruise period, so any and all advice, tips, recommendations, price cuts, and etc you can all tell me about that would be great!!

I look forward to chatting with everyone!
Hi there! My name is Shauna, 39 years old, from Texas. I'm a single mom to my 12 year old daughter, I work full time for the same employer of 13 years, and I'm pursuing my college degree online through The University of Alabama. Roll Tide!

I have never been on a cruise and need all the help and advice I can get! lol! I am very grateful to say that out of 35 THOUSAND people I won the "Crimson Tide Cruise" which is all inclusive except for alcohol and the port taxes and gratuity and I get to bring a guest; my guest will be my sister. Girl's Vacay!! We will be cruising on the Carnival Valor February 10-15 and will be going out of New Orleans. There is definitely so much I need to know about going on a cruise period, so any and all advice, tips, recommendations, price cuts, and etc you can all tell me about that would be great!!

I look forward to chatting with everyone!
Hi Shauna,
I was a crew member on this ship for 2 contracts! The ship is beautiful! If you would like to familiarize your self with getting acquainted with the floor plans I suggest you locate the ship from the website resource information vacations to go dot com.
You will enjoy your voyage I suggest you research out your shore excursions now and book them in advance! Otherwise, the best ones fill up quick!
However I can answer any other questions!
Here to help!
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