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Cruising suggestion


New member
Hello all,
I am here to get some suggestions on the best places to go on a cruise. My fiance and I have decided to go on a cruise after our marriage next month. I am really excited. I’ve always wanted to on a cruise, but never got time or situation. So, this is my first time. My fiance had been to cruise before, to the Caribbean. The cruise is actually a gift from my family. They said we just had to decide the place. Isn’t it great? I am so excited. I was also hoping if you all could suggest me some ideas on how to burglar-proof my home before going on the cruise… What are the major steps you take before going on a cruise?One of my friends suggested getting a security camera and alarm installed in the home. On the other hand, the other suggested informing a commercial security guard company. They will have time to time mobile patrol, and that the physical security will deter burglars. She also said that having an alarm will only warn the burglar, won’t help in catching them.Both the suggestions made sense to me. So, I am kind of confused now. So, which do you think will be better?
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Not sure if you got any responses or not. Carnival has a group on FB - Carnival cruisers, past, present, future. Ppl post tons of info not just pertaining to Carnival but all the cruise lines. As a suggestion, my first cruise was Nassau and it was very enjoyable. I've broaden my horizons since then but my first got me addicted and I've been cruising every since. If you don't have a vacation planner, may I suggest Contrenia Fluker at Dream Vacations - 757 763 9273. She can help you decide based on your likes and dislikes. I hope you decide to make your cruise a reality. It's the best vacation one can take - no work, just all fun and relaxation. Good luck and congratulations.
This is great... Thank you so much for the suggestion. I am looking forward to enjoying my days at Nassau
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