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Where is USS Theodore?

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Everything the website says about the Teddy Roosevelt is wrong. The tracker still shows it as in Puget Sound when it is now operating off the coast of Southern California, the site also says the home port is Norfolk, it's not, it is San Diego.
How can you be so wrong for so long. They have been in San Diego for over a year.
Everything the website says about the Teddy Roosevelt is wrong. The tracker still shows it as in Puget Sound when it is now operating off the coast of Southern California, the site also says the home port is Norfolk, it's not, it is San Diego.
How can you be so wrong for so long. They have been in San Diego for over a year.

There are multiple reasons why a ship's position may not be updating. This is all explained at the convenient link beneath each ship tracking map.

Government and military vessels are not required to publicly disseminate their position data. I'm sure you can understand why. Many government and military vessels will be trackable outside of wartime conditions but it is not a requirement. The last position shown on the tracking map for the Theodore Roosevelt is the last position it wanted to be known publicly. The last ship position will always be accompanied by a date and time so you can easily know if it is a recent report or not. The last position report was likely for safety reasons as it was actively navigating near many smaller civilian ships in the Puget sound at the time.

As for the homeport change, we have thousands of ships to track. Each ship has dozens of details to keep updated. We update numerous ships every day. Homeports change often. Many ships we track have multiple homeports depending on the time of year. All it takes is a quick post or email to us if you see something that appears inaccurate or completely wrong and it can be looked into and addressed. As you will now see the homeport for Theodore Roosevelt has been updated.
There are multiple reasons why a ship's position may not be updating. This is all explained at the convenient link beneath each ship tracking map.

Government and military vessels are not required to publicly disseminate their position data. I'm sure you can understand why. Many government and military vessels will be trackable outside of wartime conditions but it is not a requirement. The last position shown on the tracking map for the Theodore Roosevelt is the last position it wanted to be known publicly. The last ship position will always be accompanied by a date and time so you can easily know if it is a recent report or not. The last position report was likely for safety reasons as it was actively navigating near many smaller civilian ships in the Puget sound at the time.

As for the homeport change, we have thousands of ships to track. Each ship has dozens of details to keep updated. We update numerous ships every day. Homeports change often. Many ships we track have multiple homeports depending on the time of year. All it takes is a quick post or email to us if you see something that appears inaccurate or completely wrong and it can be looked into and addressed. As you will now see the homeport for Theodore Roosevelt has been updated.
At least thank you for updating the homeport. As for the rest, I understand.
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