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Newbs looking for Alaskan cruise advice


New member
I hopped on here in nosy mom mode to track my son's ship (a mom def came up with this site idea!), but my hubby & I are also considering an Alaskan cruise. I did a short Caribbean cruise almost 25 years ago & he's a total virgin, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. We want to come & go from Seattle & see Glacier Bay, but want to avoid a floating city with a bazillion people. Thanks!
Are you still looking for info or booked a cruise already? We've been on several Alaskan cruises. None of them were terrible. The best trips were on Holland America and Princess. Holland for adult cruising and Princess for families. There is a lot of people that land in ports at the same time from different ships but if you go near the beginning or end of the cruise season there are less people and prices can be lower. I would recommend the cruise/train/bus 10 day cruise tour from Princess. You get off the ship near Anchorage and take a train then bus to Fairbanks staying at 2 Princess lodges on the way (1 near Denali). You do board the ship in Vancouver BC but they do provide a bus from Seatac airport that takes you right to the ship. It is a one way trip but that allows you more time in Fairbanks to explore and then fly back to Seatac. Need more info?
Are you still looking for info or booked a cruise already? We've been on several Alaskan cruises. None of them were terrible. The best trips were on Holland America and Princess. Holland for adult cruising and Princess for families. There is a lot of people that land in ports at the same time from different ships but if you go near the beginning or end of the cruise season there are less people and prices can be lower. I would recommend the cruise/train/bus 10 day cruise tour from Princess. You get off the ship near Anchorage and take a train then bus to Fairbanks staying at 2 Princess lodges on the way (1 near Denali). You do board the ship in Vancouver BC but they do provide a bus from Seatac airport that takes you right to the ship. It is a one way trip but that allows you more time in Fairbanks to explore and then fly back to Seatac. Need more info?
Thank you, this is more than enough info. I appreciate you for taking your time. :)
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