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How do you define Luxury Cruising?


New member
I saw this thread and I wanted to gain some insights from yall if what are your opinions or your own definition of Luxury Cruising?
Each person will have their own opinions on what they believe a luxury cruise is. Some believe any cruise is a luxury, and for much of the World this is true and I will not argue that.

We on Cruising Earth try to differentiate "Luxury Cruising" by a few things like...

1) A More Personalized Service: Luxury cruises will typically have a higher crew to passenger ratio. Luxury cruises will have near a 1:1 ratio of crew members onboard to passengers. Non-luxury cruises can be upwards 1:3 or 1:4 crew members to passengers. "Personalized pampering" is what every guest can expect on a luxury cruise.

2) All Inclusive: Luxury cruises are typically all inclusive. Included round-trip airfare, included hotel near the port the night before the cruise, included transportation from the hotel to the port, free unlimited shore excursions, free unlimited beverages onboard, free pre-paid gratuities, free specialty restaurants onboard, free 24 hour room service, free Wi-Fi, free laundry service, etc. If it is available on the ship it is typically free/included in your cruise fare.

3) Gourmet Cuisine: From the food to the drinks there will be a world-class selection available onboard.

4) Spacious & Luxurious Cabins: From their size to their appointments, they will all be a step above. The bed, the linens, the lighting, the furniture, the included toiletries will all be the best. Ring for the butler and they will be there in just a moment with whatever you need.

For a "luxury cruise" you should expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1000 per person / per day for the cruise fare.
The atmosphere of luxury, chic in every detail of the interior, well-thought-out service, constant "all-inclusive" and entertainment that only VIPs can afford - this is how luxury cruises look. But of course, some details indicate the highest level: haute cuisine, a casino onboard, and evening events availability. Before the pandemic outbreak, I often went on cruises, studying which routes would work best.
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