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Balcony worth it??

I’ve done both - with and without and really depends on what type of cruiser you are.

If you are very sociable and like to be out all the time doing activities and not spending much time in ur cabin then it’s a lot if extra money most times, for little advantage. Saving money in the type if cabin means more spending money or dollars towards another cruise
Generally, we book an inside cabin, because we just don't spend that much time inside the room. And...well, to save money (balconies seem to be about double the cost of an inside room), so that we can go on more cruises. We've only taken five cruises though. For our first cruise (Alaska, 2014) we were on Holland America's Ms Amsterdam (not Nieuw)...and we did have a window (not a porthole) for that cruise...and a bathtub (which I definitely used)!!! For our next three cruises we had inside rooms (NCL Jewel (Pacific Coast, 2016), Ruby Princess (Alaska, 2018), and NCL Epic (Mediterranean, 2021))...though our Princess cruise was with friends and they had a balcony suite which we spent some time in...it was aft and we found it a bit loud while sailing. Our last cruise (2022), however, we booked an inside cabin on a British Isles cruise on the NCL Dawn, then bid $125 (each) on a balcony...and got it!!! It was aft again...and over a night club...and loud, but we didn't care at all. It was a great room! We found that we did spend a little more time in our room because we had a balcony...which was nice to have, but...I feel like part of the point of being on a ship is to experience the ship, not sit in our room. Having the light and fresh air is nice, but...meh! I would definitely bid again (love that about NCL)...it was worth the extra $250 (total) to have the balcony, but a balcony is NOT worth double an inside room, imo!
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