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Carnival not what it used to be


New member
WOW, what happened to Carnival??? We are very disappointed after our recent cruise.

The customer service has really gone downhill. They appeared to very short on staff and the food is just not the same. I also had an issue with onboard credit and it is impossible to speak to anyone after a cruise. They only offer email customer service and it took over 6 weeks to hear from them. Their “I care team” didn’t care!!! We did enjoy the Cruise Director and Cabin Steward. The embarkation and debarkation was good but the rest was pretty dismal.

Be aware that Carnival Cruiseline was the worst of my ten cruises, so sad.
Carnival Glory, 10/16/22 out of New Orleans
ONLY IMPROVEMENT - embarkation & debarkation.
Room fridges are useless.
Dining Room Food and selection is dismal
Room service is worse
Discontinued door tags for ordering breakfast night before.
Fun Times is all digital so if you don’t use their app you have to go to service desk for copy.
Absolutely no wait service on Serenity Deck & very little on Lido.
No wait service in Comedy Club
Music acts offered was worst of my 14 cruises.
Spa offerings were way overpriced but I did have the best masseuse ever on a cruise.
A lot of what you are describing is being seen across many cruise lines and is related to a worldwide shortage of cruise ship employees as a result of the pandemic.

Some previous cruise line employees have chosen not to come back to work, at the same time the amount of new incoming employees is much lower than what is needed industry wide.

Cruise ship services are being cut back, most cruise lines say this is temporary but that could change. Be sure to express your displeasure with the lack of service while onboard, because if a cruise line believes they can get away with less staff they will continue to do it as long as possible.

The limited cruise staff that does currently exist is getting burnt out quickly from being overworked.
WOW, what happened to Carnival??? We are very disappointed after our recent cruise.

The customer service has really gone downhill. They appeared to very short on staff and the food is just not the same. I also had an issue with onboard credit and it is impossible to speak to anyone after a cruise. They only offer email customer service and it took over 6 weeks to hear from them. Their “I care team” didn’t care!!! We did enjoy the Cruise Director and Cabin Steward. The embarkation and debarkation was good but the rest was pretty dismal.

Be aware that Carnival Cruiseline was the worst of my ten cruises, so sad.
My niece is on the Elation right, I hope she doesn't have problems. Thanks for future
WOW, what happened to Carnival??? We are very disappointed after our recent cruise.

The customer service has really gone downhill. They appeared to very short on staff and the food is just not the same. I also had an issue with onboard credit and it is impossible to speak to anyone after a cruise. They only offer email customer service and it took over 6 weeks to hear from them. Their “I care team” didn’t care!!! We did enjoy the Cruise Director and Cabin Steward. The embarkation and debarkation was good but the rest was pretty dismal.

Be aware that Carnival Cruiseline was the worst of my ten cruises, so sad.
After my last cruise in March of 2020, our first cruise was this past October and I've noticed a lot of the services myself. After booking my cruise in January 2022, the price increases just kept coming, and they did have not stopped. I'm 2 cruises from Platinum and right now I want to try some other cruise lines. Everyone is building new ships, and It seems as if who can keep up with the Jones? Pretty sad if you can look at it this way. I can feel your pain.
i did not experience this on my last carnival cruise , even trouble i experienced with ship personnel was handled more than satisfactory after i went to the desk and voiced a complaint in a civil tone , dont forget that the person trying to help you wasnt the issue , treat them with respect , it gets you a lot further than screaming and getting into another employs face with the issue
They are trying to recoup their losses at the expense of their customers. No free room service. Popcorn use to be free now cost almost $4 a bag. Specialty Restaurants 25 percent increase in prices. On board shopping prices increased as did photo prices. I do 4 or 5 cruises a year and don’t plan on stopping but I can voice my opinion. This is ridiculous!!
They are trying to recoup their losses at the expense of their customers. No free room service. Popcorn use to be free now cost almost $4 a bag. Specialty Restaurants 25 percent increase in prices. On board shopping prices increased as did photo prices. I do 4 or 5 cruises a year and don’t plan on stopping but I can voice my opinion. This is ridiculous!!
I was on the Panorama in May 2023 I couldn't believe they were charging for that lil bag of popcorn 🍿. Coffee used to always be available but our machines rarely worked. Unbelievable
WOW, what happened to Carnival??? We are very disappointed after our recent cruise.

The customer service has really gone downhill. They appeared to very short on staff and the food is just not the same. I also had an issue with onboard credit and it is impossible to speak to anyone after a cruise. They only offer email customer service and it took over 6 weeks to hear from them. Their “I care team” didn’t care!!! We did enjoy the Cruise Director and Cabin Steward. The embarkation and debarkation was good but the rest was pretty dismal.

Be aware that Carnival Cruiseline was the worst of my ten cruises, so sad.
We last cruised carnival late 2019 so when we went on the Panorama this last May I was expecting to get a pot of coffee in the morning and room service at night with a decent tip of course. They wanted us to use the Hub app for everything. I really disliked the app. I didn't see coffee as an option the list to order any food was very limited. Dining room has us sitting so close to other couples we didn't know it was very uncomfortable yet the dining room was huge and not full. After the pandemic you wouldn't think they would put us inches away from each other. Although they had hand sanitizer everywhere the elevators seemed programmed to put everyone in one elevator. We were packed like sardines . I was very uncomfortable with that as we hadn't had the virus and I couldn't see how we could avoid it now. We did come home with the virus luckily although sick for a week we didn't have it so bad anyone required a hospital. In 2019 we had no complaints but this time it was just such a different feel food wasn't as good and the delicious cake deserts were not there anymore dry Gingerbread cake isn't my idea of delicious. They didn't have any pie like before either. We had fun but there were many disappointments also.
We were on the Sept 24-Oct 1st, cruise on the Glory!! We had a fantastic time! Only complaint was the food options and them closing the food lines down from 230-6pm!! Used to be you could eat when you wanted!! And, quite a lot of us got off the cruise with Covid!! Just in our Facebook group, we counted almost 50 with it!!
We were on the Sept 24-Oct 1st, cruise on the Glory!! We had a fantastic time! Only complaint was the food options and them closing the food lines down from 230-6pm!! Used to be you could eat when you wanted!! And, quite a lot of us got off the cruise with Covid!! Just in our Facebook group, we counted almost 50 with it!!
There are so many other places to eat, they are trying to control waste. As far as covid it is also up to you to take precautions , did you wear a mask, did you hand sanitize , limit touching banisters, slot machines etc. Cruise lines can only do so much to protect you the rest is on you.
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