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azura tracking/webcam


New member
can anybody explain why the Azura tracking information is about 24hrs out of date and webcam is not updating?

I cant understand why P&O would offer the tracking and webcam service for relatives to keep informed of the progress of their loved ones when its clear they either cant deliver the service or cant be bothered to deliver the service.

Come on P&O, get a grip
can anybody explain why the Azura tracking information is about 24hrs out of date and webcam is not updating?

I cant understand why P&O would offer the tracking and webcam service for relatives to keep informed of the progress of their loved ones when its clear they either cant deliver the service or cant be bothered to deliver the service.

Come on P&O, get a grip

The webcam appears to be functioning without issue at this time. The image will not show much change because the ship is currently crossing the Atlantic Ocean and there is really not much to see other than clouds (if there are any) and water. The ship will also be outside of tracking range (more than 80-100 miles from shore) also, while it crosses the Atlantic Ocean.

This will explain why the Azura can't currently be tracked: Why can't I track a ship, I know it's sailing!?

Azura's Itinerary
31 Oct Southampton
01 Nov At Sea
02 Nov At Sea
03 Nov At Sea
04 Nov Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel - Azores
05 Nov At Sea
06 Nov At Sea
07 Nov At Sea
08 Nov At Sea
09 Nov At Sea
10 Nov St. Maarten
11 Nov St. Kitts
12 Nov Antigua
13 Nov St. Lucia
14 Nov Barbados

The ship will be out of tracking range until Nov 4 when it is near land in the Azores, then will be out of tracking range again from the 5th till sometime on the 10th when it comes within approximately 80 miles of St. Maarten.

(Please only post your questions once. In the future any duplicate posts will be deleted)
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