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Surprise Cruise Help


New member
My wife and i have booked a cruise for July 18th 2015 on the carnival Glory. The best part is that we are surprising our 4 kids and both sets of parents and brother/sister in law with this cruise at Christmas! Needless to say that keeping this secret right now from all 10 of them aint easy. My question is, does anyone have any good ideas to make it a great surprise at Christmas? A cool way to "let the cat out of the bag". Any help would be greatly appreciated to make it a very special Christmas for all. Thanks Everyone and Happy Cruisin to all!
Huh, Brian ? I'm a bit confused.

* Is the cruise in July 2015 just for the wife and yourself, and you plan to surprise your family at Christmas with the news of your cruise , or-
* are you treating all ten of your family to a cruise in July 2015 that you and your wife have already booked, and you want to surprise your family at Christmas with the news ?
Go to the dollar store and buy cheap sunglasses, wrap them, hand them out and have everyone open them at them same time. Then when they are all looking confused and wondering why you gave them cheap sunglasses, tell them all they will need them in July when you take them on a Cruise. or: type up a cute rhyme or note on a piece of cruise, or water boarder paper. Cut out or print the ship on bottom of paper have he cruise info on the announcement; kinda like an official announcement. On of you needs to record as they open the envelopes to capture the reaction. Or have Tshirts made that say cruisers or something cheeze! Good luck Should be exciting
Sorry about the confusion lol, yes we bought a cruise for all 12 of us including the kids and my wife and I are going to surprise everyone at Christmas, looking for a creative way to do it.
Give them all toy boats for Christmas and have them all unwrap them at the same time. They won't have a clue - and then have them guess. :)