Hi Stephanie
To answer your question truthfully, no I don't know much about anxiety disorders but I can suggest that .........
If it is your first cruise, and you are accompanying your 80 yr old mother -
1. Keep remembering that many, many 80 yr olds go cruising successfully, as do their anxious children many with anxiety disorders. Ships staff are trained and used to it.
2. Your cabin steward is your first, best friend onboard. Confide in him/her your worst fears, and trust them.
3. Don't drink alcohol excessively, or use it as a crutch.
4. Walk around the upper deck and look at the ocean for at least 30 minutes a day. It is very peaceful watching the ocean. .
5. Keep private, keep quiet, and keep calm. Don't get trapped at a dinner table every night with 8-10 other people. And, don't rush into group activities.
6. Book a cabin with balcony. Use the balcony as your private sanctuary when you feel for it. It too is also very peaceful.
7. Take two books with you that you have always been interested in. Schedule a time each day to sit on the balcony and read.
8. Allow plenty of time in the bunk - sleeping or just resting.
9. Keep constantly in mind that all you have to do is look after yourself and your mother. There will be 1200-1700 crew to look after every and any other possible thing.
10. Keep in mind that room service is nearly always available if you or Mom don't feel like going out
AND - keep checking these pages for more assurance, help, tips, answers, advice, story's, jokes, outlandish tales et al.
Fair Winds