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P&O addict


New member
Judging by the lack of posts in this section I'm taking a wild guess that nobody has sailed with P&O UK, indeed why should you if, as I suspect, the majority of members are USA based. However should you find yourself in the UK and looking for a Southampton/Southampton round trip cruise no flying involved, I wholeheartedly recommend you try P&O. Their Indian/Goan crew are fantastic, ships from the little Adonia to the largest two, Azura and Ventura are beautiful, my favourite being Aurora...she is built on the traditional ship design without the aft end resembling a block of apartments! Her aft has the most beautiful curved sweeping decks, as indeed does her slightly older sister Oriana.
The forums are still pretty slow but they haven't been open for very long and we are getting dozens of new members daily and expect the forums will pick up shortly.

Currently about 15% of our members are from the UK. United States = 54%, Canada = 9%, Australia = 8%, Germany = 2%, New Zealand = 1%, Netherlands = 1%. All other countries make up the remaining 5%.

Would love to see any photos you have from the Southampton Port or your P&O UK cruises too!
The forums are still pretty slow but they haven't been open for very long and we are getting dozens of new members daily and expect the forums will pick up shortly.

Currently about 15% of our members are from the UK. United States = 54%, Canada = 9%, Australia = 8%, Germany = 2%, New Zealand = 1%, Netherlands = 1%. All other countries make up the remaining 5%.

Would love to see any photos you have from the Southampton Port or your P&O UK cruises too!
Hi Greg, I did try to add some photos of Aurora and her aft decks, but I couldn't get the post to show, not sure what I was doing wrong as the cruising site I help administer uses the same Server as this one.
Aurora in Olden Fjord Norway.
The lovely wide teak promenade deck of Aurora which wraps around the whole ship, one lap is a third of a mile!
All seems to be well now and I am able to post the photos, I will have to look through my Iphoto albums to find some of the other P&O ships I've sailed on.
Thanks for the pix Biziebee.

I have some friends who are presently onboard 'Arcadia', heading back home to the UK.
I'm looking forward to seeing their photos too.
I have friends on board Arcadia at the moment as well, I'm very envious of them! I have a short cruise booked in July on her, may add another one between then and now possible to the Norwegian Fjords, one of my favourite destinations.
Have sailed on Oceana, Ventura and Azura. Am also counting down the days to days to my next cruise on Ventura in the Med at the beginning of next month.
we are going in sept 14 to the med on ventura flying to genoa and onwards to venice just for the week.Its our first time with p&o.And next year we have booked Britannia from Southampton to carb.its her first trip across the pond.Has anyone gone any tips on our trip on ventura.
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