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Not exactly New to Cruises


New member
I began cruising in April, 2002. I sailed for the first time out of Galveston, Texas aboard RCCL Rhapsody of the Seas. At the time, I thought she was the largest ship I had ever seen. A real beauty. I wound up sailing on her four times before she transitioned to Hawaii and Australia. The largest ship I have been on is also RCCL and was Voyager of the Seas. I no longer cruise because my wife of 67 years is no longer able to travel due to Parkinson's. I managed to get in eleven cruises before becoming beached.

I am retired from USAF after serving in WWII, Korea and SE Asia for 21 years. I followed that career as an independent contractor for NASA in the Manned Space Flight program. I retired from that after the Challenger disaster in 1986.

I have made one cruise on Carnival from Galveston to the Bahamas and back via Key West. My longest cruise was an eleven night to the Panama Canal and back to Miami aboard Brilliance of the Seas....you guessed it....RCCL.

Most of my travels have been by air as I have been a pilot since 1937. I regret not having taken up cruising at an earlier age and date.

I was born in Savanna, GA where my grandfather ran a Ships Supply Store. Raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma and El Paso, Texas. 800px-USNS_Vanguard.jpg
She is no exactly a cruise ship but she was mine in NASA. USNS Vanguard Tracking Ship
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