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New to Cruisin' and loving it!


New member
Hello everyone...Tcoolgranny is what most call me..Just went on my 3rd cruise on the Disney Dream. Loved everything about it, (except the elevators) lol.
I went on my first cruise in Aug of this year, then again in Sept, then again in Oct. I'm done for the year I guess. Going again in Jan 14. and again in March 14. I wish we had discovered cruising years ago! We were afraid we wouldn't like it because my husband is prone to motion sickness. He hasn't had one issue with it. I'm sure the day is coming, but right now we are having a ball! We want to venture out to other cruise lines as well. We are big Disney fans though. We usually to do WDW 4-5 times a year, so it was only natural for us to start with Disney for our first cruise. We are self-employed and semi-retired, so we kinda call our own shots and take off on vacay when we wanna go and leave the work to employees...they don't mind..we are taking them with us when we go in March!
I am looking forward to learning a lot of info on this site and meeting new cruisers as well!
Glad you found us here. Lots of great information and more being added/updated daily. We are working on publishing our Disney Cruise Information & Tips section soon, so if you have some suggestions please post them here: https://www.cruisingearth.com/forum/f23/submit-disney-cruise-line-information-tips-495/#post735

There are lots of new cruisers lurking around here hopefully you can also help a few out with your "new to cruising" experiences. Sounds like the way you're going, you'll be a veteran cruiser soon!

Welcome to Cruising Earth!