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Cruise Music - Songs That Get You In The Mood!


Staff member
Cruising Earth has created a https://www.cruisingearth.com/info/cruise-music-playlist/']Cruise Music Playlist.

At the link above you can view Cruising Earth's Cruise Music Playlist and listen to previews of each of the songs. The list currently contains 50+ songs the staff here at Cruising Earth has put together to help you get in the "cruising mood".

What songs do you listen to that remind you of cruising and are not on the list already?

Have a suggestion for a song to add?
Post it below.

Do you like a song someone else has suggested?
Click the like button. We will take the most popular suggestions and add them to the https://www.cruisingearth.com/info/cruise-music-playlist/']Cruising Earth Cruise Music Playlist.
For six years I was a crew member of HMAS Perth, and had a great time sailing all over the South Pacific and Asia. After our normal 3-4 day port visit and it came time for the ship to leave, the decks would be lined with all the sailors in their best white tropical uniforms - and the wharf populated by quiet a few females of very recent acquaintance. As the ship cast off its last line and slowly pulled away from the wharf, the upper deck speakers would blast out 'Sailing' by Rod Stewart. Even though the crew must have heard it a hundred times, there rarely was a dry eye anywhere, onboard or on the wharf. .
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Added: Sailing by Rod Stewart

"Cruisin" by Huey Lewis & the News and Gwenyth Paltrow

This is one of the first songs we play as soon as a new cruise is booked... can't imagine a Cruise Music Playlist complete without it!

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