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Carnival Valor Rescues Five Mariners From Sinking Yacht Off Coast Of St. Maarten

Cruising Earth News

Staff member

Earlier this morning, while sailing off the coast of St. Maarten, the Carnival Valor rescued five mariners from a pleasure craft that was sinking in inclement weather.

Following the rescue, the five adults were brought on board Carnival Valor and evaluated by the ship’s medical staff, and provided with food and water. Two of Carnival Valor’s deck officers sustained minor contusions during the rescue effort.

Carnival Valor is currently in St. Maarten, its next scheduled port of call, where it arrived this morning.

The rescue continues Carnival Cruise Line’ longstanding practice of assisting distressed mariners and vessels at sea.

Carnival Valor was on the last leg of a seven-day cruise that departed San Juan last Sunday, December 15, part of its year-round schedule of week-long southern Caribbean departures from that port.
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