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Carnival Corporation & Miami Heat Donation Will Exceed $1.5 Million For Philippines

Cruising Earth News

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Carnival Corporation & Miami Heat Donation Will Exceed $1.5 Million For Philippines


Carnival Corporation & plc and the Miami HEAT today announced that its pledge to support relief efforts in communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines will exceed $1.5 million, more than a $500,000 increase from its original pledge.

It was also announced that the donation, coming from Carnival Corporation & plc, its 10 cruise brands, the Carnival Foundation and the Miami HEAT, as well as a generous donation from the Micky and Madeleine Arison Family Foundation, will go to the following charities and support organizations:

  • UNICEF – $500,000
  • Save the Children – $300,000 (includes $50,000 donation from P&O Cruises Australia)
  • Direct Relief – $250,000
  • International Red Cross – $150,000 (includes donations from P&O Cruises UK, Princess Cruises and Cunard)
  • International Medical Corps – $50,000 (donation from Princess Cruises)

Carnival Corporation’s individual brands are also providing nearly $350,000 in funds – including $100,000 grants each from Carnival Cruise Line and the Costa Group — to support Filipino employees and families impacted by Typhoon Haiyan, and its employees will continue to support the ongoing relief efforts through local fundraising and other initiatives.
“The typhoon in the Philippines caused massive destruction, having a tragic impact on people and families there, including those members of our extended Carnival family who reside in the region,” said Micky Arison, chairman of Carnival Corporation & plc and Miami HEAT owner. “We evaluated a number of worthy organizations that are doing fantastic work in the Philippines and elected to go with these special organizations that are doing extraordinary relief work.”

“It is vitally important that we do everything possible to help those impacted by this tragedy,” said Miami HEAT Head Coach Erik Spoelstra, a Filipino American. “My thanks and appreciation to Carnival, Micky Arison and the entire Miami HEAT organization for their generous support and donations along with everything else they are doing to provide the critical relief that is so badly needed for so many people.”
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