New member
Last week we cruised on the Panorama, eight day, Mexican cruise, what a nightmare
boarding the ship, took hours, a true Cattlecall. The state rooms have been reduced to “cabins” lighting, is harsh shelving in adequate artwork nonexistent. Rooms used to have a luxurious feel, and that’s what we expected from the newer panorama. Wrong! A larger ship simply meant more and smaller rooms. We were hoping a larger ship meant more open areas to enjoy, it did not. The atrium was laughable, it was the size of a closet. Usually the jewel of the interior, there wasn’t even room to dance. Both my friend and I fell ill the second night on board and we were trapped in our room for the rest of the cruise, we asked if certain things could be delivered to us, and we were simply told, “we don’t offer that” also, my friend had a walker and getting round was very difficult. The elevators are all digitized now and only work part of the time, they seem to have a mind of their own. Let it suffice to say I could go on and on and on about issues we ran into on the screws, but there is no sense beating a dead horse. This was our 10th cruise and generally we purchase a suite. They were sold out this time and we were relegated to the closet version cabin. Let it suffice to say we don’t plan to cruise carnival again. Such a massive disappointment.