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Issue With Queen Elizabeth's - Bridge (Forward) Camera Link

Here we go again! Cunard's Queen Elizabeth must be going through one heck of a tunnel... Its bridge webcam has been "unavailable due to satellite issues" for the last five days or more. I have always understood that satellites are available at all times, unless blocked by buildings.......
Three days down the line and QE is still unable to connect to the satellite. It also appears that her gps sender has failed as there is no map tracking data available on Cruisin. I've not read anything in the press about her foundering, so I presume she has had an electrical failure in the cam and gps department.
No one at Cunard or Cruisin has admitted to reading my posts, but by a strange "coincidence" the bridge webcam has just sprung into life. Can't see a lot at the moment because it is dark at her location, and the gps is still not working. I wonder if it will miraculously spring into life tomorrow. Wishful thinking!
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