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Issue With Carnival Splendor's Bridge (Forward) Camera / Webcam


New member
Same picture for hours. Tracker info us from yesterday. Insanely long difficult registration process and can't get any information.
Same picture for hours.

Picture is currently updating fine. The Carnival Splendor is currently in the Atlantic Ocean. The Bridge (Forward) Cam will not appear to change (it is open ocean) other than the clouds. The Deck (Aft) Cam shows movement but not much activity going on right now.

Tracker info us from yesterday.

Carnival Splendor is currently "Out Of Range" in the Atlantic Ocean. It will not be able to be tracked till it is back in range (within approximately 100 miles of an AIS land reporting station).

Insanely long difficult registration process and can't get any information.

The registration process has to be the way it is because the internet is the way it is. We block hundreds of registration attempts a day from spammers and automated bots. If we did not have the registration process the way it is the forums would be filled with inappropriate content and advertisements. It still should only take about 1 minute to register and maybe 1 more minute to receive the activation email and click the link to activate your account.

As for the "can't get any information" - what information are you looking for?