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How Do You Choose a Cruise Line?


New member
I'm researching cruises for my son & his friends - all in their late 30's to early 40's. It's overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. Any suggestions?
Hi we just done celebrity solstice it was 9 days to Noumea, isles of pines and lifou, I couldn't fault any part of the ship, was hardly a any kids on board but lots of young people parting, you can also get an all inclusive drinks package so they pay nothing on board for drinks $15 and under, only bottles of wine they will pay for, we took premium package) , food was great and catered for everyone, night club goes till 3 ish every night.
It depends on what kind of cruise they want to go on.. I have been on Royal, Carnival, Celebrity, and Norwegian... They are all different..
Most have folks of all ages.. We have had a great time on all these cruise lines..

Thank you both for taking the time to reply. Think I'm leaning towards a short Carnival cruise so they can "get their feet wet"....
First go to a local TA and just tell them basicly what you are looking for and get the brochures for different lines. If you have friends that use a TA ask them to recommend, if not go to as many as you can for information. You will find out if the agency is one you can work with or not by how well they answer your questions.
And read online as much as you can about whatever lines you are interested in.
I know this is an old thread (seven years!!!), but...

We've taken Holland America (1), Princess (1), and NCL (3). My first cruise was on Holland America's MS Amsterdam (not Neiuw) and it was great. This ship has been sold (now it's the MS Bolette with Fred Olsen Cruise Lines), but I loved it. Not huge, but a lovely ship...and it felt like an old time ship. My third cruise was on the Ruby Princess and we basically only went on that cruise because friends were going and invited us. For my second cruise we chose NCL because it was a great deal. It was a repositioning cruise that left from Vancouver and brought us home to Los Angeles (don't live there anymore). It seemed super convenient. Due to that cruise, we found out that NCL seems to have the best drink package, so we'll probably keep on taking NCL. Our fourth cruise (NCL) was Mediterranean and our Fifth cruise (NCL) was British Isles. All of the ships were wonderful. If I had more money, I would expand and try out some more, but as it is I'm happy to stick with NCL.
I'm researching cruises for my son & his friends - all in their late 30's to early 40's. It's overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. Any suggestions?
I recommend a Royal Caribbean Freedom or Voyager class ship for your first cruise.
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