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Holland America left us high and dry


New member
We asked for and were approved for a deviation to board the ship in Victoria BC, instead of Vancouver. After the ship sailed from Vancouver we were called to say they were not going to stop and too bad! We could have rushed to Vancouver if they had called that mourning. We never received a letter stateing this possibility. Trying to call HAL is impossible, you enter a merry go round of people passing you off to the next person who knows nothing. We are reassessing if cruising might be dead, and we need to just take a loss and forget about going on cruises.
To the not so happy cruiser- My first and last experience with Holland America was a disaster also. my husband and I were scheduled for a cruise and they canceled the tour due to a mechanical problem (something was broken on the pool deck). Canceling and getting funds returned was terrible. In trying to be positive about the problem, I was treated with rude employees, never able to speak to the same person, a routine response was a negative one. That was enough for me. I will not consider another cruise with Holland America. There are plenty of other Lines to select from... and they make an effort to provide great service!
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