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Faster To The Fun


New member
Does anyone know if Carnival Valor will continue to offer FTTF when it relocates to San Juan??? We booked a Southern Carribean Cruise (sail date 1/19/14) and we're hope they will eventually add it to our San Juan excursions. Any information would be helpful. Thank you ;)
I'm sure it said it would be available on all ships by mid summer 2013. I tried looking again...but was unable to locate it :(
I sure hope that is the case. They SHOULD put it on all ships. It's a nice little luxury for us peons. We used it on Carnival Destiny this past December and loved it. I guess we will just wait and see if they keep it on Carnival Valor. I check my excursions everyday!
Carnival first came out back in January and said "On all ships by Spring 2013". Then when that came and went they said by Summer 2013, now the latest was end of Summer 2013. The only thing that hasn't changed is they continue to say it will be fleetwide, but it seems the timeframe is still up the air.

It's currently on 21 of the 24 ships in the fleet. Which currently leaves the Carnival Pride, Carnival Splendor and Carnival Spirit without Faster To The Fun.

Even on the 21 ships where it has been offered, there are still some departure ports and some itineraries where those ships will not offer FTTF. San Juan, as of the last I heard, was still one of those ports that does not offer FTTF, but I do not know why.
I'm sailing 10/13/2013 on the valor and I purchased it through the excursions. I have a suite as well so it'll be interesting to see how things go.
I'm sailing 10/13/2013 on the valor and I purchased it through the excursions. I have a suite as well so it'll be interesting to see how things go.

When you get back please post your experience with it. It seems a lot of people are on the fence on whether to try it out or not.
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