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Condé Nast Traveler Readers Name Disney Cruise Line No. 1 in the 2014 Readers’ Cho

Cruising Earth News

Staff member
CELEBRATION, Florida (October 21, 2014) Disney Cruise Line has been recognized as the No. 1 Large Ship Line's in the Conde Nast Traveler 2014 Readers' Choice Awards. This year's winners were based on more than 1 million votes from nearly 77,000 readers.
“The cast and crew at Disney Cruise Line are always immensely proud of awards like these that come directly from readers and our guests, said Karl Holz, president of Disney Cruise Line. it's an honor to be recognized once again for the family-friendly experience we offer aboard our ships and in ports we visit around the world.
Since its launch in 1998, Disney Cruise Line has established itself as a leader in the cruise industry and continues to focus on providing a setting where families can reconnect, adults can recharge and kids can immerse themselves in worlds of fantasy only Disney can create.
Today, Disney Cruise Line continues to expand its blueprint for family cruising with a fleet of four ships – the Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy. Guests can sail out of ports around the world on exciting itineraries to the Caribbean, Bahamas, Hawaii, Alaska and Europe, among others.
Disney Cruise Line
Based in Celebration, Fla., Disney Cruise Line has consistently received distinguished awards and recognition since first setting sail in 1998. These awards have included all aspects of the operation from dining and entertainment to youth activities and spa facilities.
To learn more about Disney Cruise Line or to book a vacation, guests can contact their travel agent, visit disneycruise.com or call Disney Cruise Line at 888-DCL-2500.  Travel agents can call Disney Cruise Line at 888-325-2500 or visit disneytravelagents.com.
The 2014 Conda Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards are featured in the November issue and on http://www.cntraveler.com.
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