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Celebrity Cruises Launches New 'Captain's Club' Program

Cruising Earth News

Staff member
Enhanced loyalty program features two new tiers, with greater recognition and rewards

MIAMI, Nov. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Celebrity Cruises is excited to announce improvements to its Captain's Club loyalty program.

Guest feedback helped define the new program features, which include two new, additional levels of status and rewards beyond the existing "Elite" level, which is the highest level of membership in the brand's current four-tiered program.

Effective on sailings commencing after November 25, 2013, the new Captain's Club will offer a six-tier program. The Club's current levels of "Preview," "Classic," "Select" and "Elite" will remain, with two new tiers -- "Elite Plus" and "Zenith" -- each with their own unique set of benefits and privileges.

Members who achieve the new Elite Plus status will receive an even higher level of recognition and broader benefits, including additional beverage and specialty dining discounts, complimentary 200-minute Internet packages, complimentary cappuccinos, lattes and more.

Members who achieve Zenith status will receive benefits and perks befitting this ultimate level of membership, such as access to Michael's Club Lounge (available fleetwide in 2014), a complimentary premium alcoholic beverage package, complimentary laundry, a 1,600-minute Internet package, and other benefits.

Celebrity's guests now can accelerate their progression through the loyalty tiers with a new Club Points system which recognizes the stateroom category as well as the days spent onboard. Members' previous cruise credits will be automatically converted into Club Points, and members will retain all of the benefits they earned in the program to-date – with no expiration. In many cases, guests may automatically become charter members of Celebrity's new Elite Plus or Zenith tier. It is important to note that no current members will lose any of the benefits they have come to expect and enjoy today.

Another new enhancement is the ability to quickly access special pricing exclusively for Captain's Club members through the Captain's Club portal on the Celebrity Cruises website, http://www.celebritycruises.com. By simply entering their name and Captain's Club member number on the site, they can instantly see available loyalty pricing.

"At a time when many loyalty programs are cutting back on benefits or making it more difficult to redeem rewards, we're thrilled to do just the opposite," said Celebrity's Director of Loyalty Lee Moreau. "Guest loyalty is the cornerstone to any successful business, and that's why, at Celebrity Cruises, we make our guests the center of our attention. We hope this reinvigorated program will even more vividly show our guests how much we appreciate their loyalty, and allow us to welcome them back onboard even more frequently."
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