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Pre-Paid beverage packages alcoholic preferably


New member
I am in the process of booking 4 cruises from Nov 2013 to 25 Jan 2014: Norwegian Star Panama Canal 14NTS ex LA to Miami; Carnival Glory East Caribbean 7NTS; RCL Oasis of the Seas West Caribbean 7NTS and Celebrity Eclipse South Caribbean 14NTS. I am travelling from Australia to enjoy these cruises. I have been trying to locate pre-paid alcoholic beverage packages for each of the cruise operators but I am hitting a brick wall. RCL Oasis of the Seas appears to have only a dining and wine pkg that has limits to 3 glasses of wine; Celebrity offers alcoholic packages Premium and Classic but they do not specifically state how many drinks are included for each package only the prices - Premium $97 per pkg; Non alcoholic Classic pkg $13.58 per NT; Premium non-alcoholic $17.46 per NT; Premium alcoholic & non-alcoholic pkg $52.38 per NT; and Classic Alcoholic & non-alcoholic pkg $42.86 per NT. I have just about torn my hair out trying to locate Carnival's "Cheers Package" that I have read about but cannot find it anywhere on Carnival's web site and Norwegian Cruise Lines I have not been successful in locating any information on their pre-paid alcoholic beverage packages and how to book them. Can anyone help me please? Keijah2007 (over 40's)
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I may be able to help a little. I cruised with Celebrity a few years ago and the packages then had no limit to the amount per day. Carnival Cruise Line has info on the Cheer's Package" Look under drinks....but it includes all soda, non alcoholic frozen drinks and then mixed drinks ten dollars and under. Any drinks over 10 you pay for, but they give you 25 percent off. This package is limited to 15 drinks a day. If another adult 21 and over) is staying in your room with you, Carnival requires that both adults purchase the package. I don't know which ships, but I know not all Carnival ships offer this package. Hope this helps!
I am in the process of trying to decide if it is worth it for me to do pre-pay Carnival Cheers Program ($50 per day for a 4-day Bahamas cruise). I am not a big drinker, but on a vacation cruise I will probably have a couple beers during the day, then a couple glasses of wine with dinner. I do not usually have mixed drinks. Also, we will be at port pretty much the whole day for one of the 4 days Carnival will charge me for. What advice would you give this first time cruiser? I am planning to bring a bottle of champagne in luggage.
I am in the same position! However, I was able to look at the prices for the ship we'll be on (Carnival Sensation) and I'm thinking the Cheers Program may be worth it.
And My wife and I are in the same situation. Its hard to say how much the cheers program would be worth it because of the days in port. But we also have to buy two of them because the rule states that you cant buy one if two ppl are staying in the same room. So for two of us to get the cheers pkg for a 5 day cruise(which is actually 4 days since they dont start your cheers program till 6:00am on day 2) it would be 459.54. That includes 2-15% gratuities. If we bought an $80 bottle of vodka per day it would be cheaper!
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