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Need update for Disney Fantasy Cruise Ship from Cayman


New member
I haven't seen an update from the Disney Fantasy cruise ship leaving Grand Cayman heading toward Costa Maya since this morning (9/17/2013 at 10:45 a.m. MST). My sister and her husband are on that ship. Could I please get an update on it's location?

Chantel Sargent
Erie, Colorado
I haven't seen an update from the Disney Fantasy cruise ship leaving Grand Cayman heading toward Costa Maya since this morning (9/17/2013 at 10:45 a.m. MST). My sister and her husband are on that ship. Could I please get an update on it's location?

Chantel Sargent
Erie, Colorado

The Disney Fantasy is currently docked in Cozumel.

Ships https://www.cruisingearth.com/ship_tracker/out_of_range/'"]"Out Of Range":
Online vessel tracking relies on the use of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Most modern vessels even today still use VHF, line-of-sight equipment, to transmit their AIS data. This line of sight limitation will require even the tallest of vessels to be within approximately 100 miles of shore in order for the data to be received. Newer satellite relay services are available but at a very high cost. The land based VHF relaying still remains a free service for all vessels which is why it is still popular today.

After leaving Grand Cayman there is quite a long distance of open sea that the ship's signal will not be able to be picked up enroute to Costa Maya.

The attached image below is a sample of the distance you can expect to receive reliable tracking in this area. There are large areas on no coverage in the Western Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.

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