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Meat or fish? Chowder or cream of brocolli? EAT EVERYTHING!


New member
I've found that when you cannot decide what you want,
that ordering everything solves the problem.

Happens to me more often with soups or desserts,
but I've been known to do multiple main dishes.

If you have the same waiter every day,
he will simply nod accordingly,
and bring you one after the other.

Of course, you may end up eighty pounds heavier
when you disembark, but such is the price
we pay for being indecisive ;)
I agree, no matter how active you are I believe if you lose weight on a cruise vacation you didn't do it right!
I am very excited for having booked a cruise for the first time and have booked lunch cruise for touring in Sydney. Actually can we have the menu of our choice? Does it vary with different cruises? Is it possible to take special menu? I went through the reviews but could not get sufficient information about it.
I am very excited for having booked a cruise for the first time and have booked lunch cruise for touring in Sydney. Actually can we have the menu of our choice? Does it vary with different cruises? Is it possible to take special menu? I went through the reviews but could not get sufficient information about it.

Magistic Cruises offers a buffet on their lunch cruises. These buffets will include a combination of meat, poultry, fish, pasta, salads, etc. Here is the sample they give on their own site:
Magistic Cruises - Lunch Cruise Menu

  • Fresh prawns with tomato mayonnaise

  • Hungarian beef

  • Butter Chicken

  • Thai green fish curry

  • Stir fried mixed green vegetables (v

  • )Potato gratin (v)

  • Hokkien noodles with garlic & soy (v)

  • Mussels and calamari with a tomato basil sauce

  • Bow tie pasta with rocket, olives & cherry tomatoes (v)

  • Steamed rice

  • Salad bar

  • Waldorf salad (v)

  • Carrot and sultana salad (V)

  • Potato salad with wholegrain mustard and crème fraiche (v)

  • Chinese cabbage and crisp noodle salad with a soy ginger dressing (v)

  • Bread Rolls


  • Seasonal fruit salad

  • Chocolate mud cake and raspberry coulis served with fresh cream

* Indicative menu only. Items may be subject to change at any time without notice.
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