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First Steel Cut on New 135,000-ton Carnival Vista, Set To Debut in 2016

Cruising Earth News

Staff member

Construction on the 135,000-ton Carnival Vista is officially underway!

Earlier this week at the Fincantieri shipyard in Monfalcone, Italy, the first steel was cut on Carnival Cruise Line’ newest “Fun Ship,” which is slated to enter service in spring 2016.

Following the initial start-up of construction, workers will now begin building out the 4,000-passenger ship which will feature a variety of dining, bar and entertainment options that are part of the line’s Fun Ship 2.0 product enhancement initiative as well as several innovations unique to this vessel. Carnival Vista will be the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] vessel in the Carnival Cruise Line’ fleet.

Additional details on Carnival Vista’s homeport, itinerary and design innovations will be announced in the future.
Does anyone have any facts about this ship at this time? i.e. length, beam, GRT, etc.? Also has anyone been able to locate any illustrations?
As far as I know most of the specs haven't been released yet. The numbers that have been reported are 135,000 GT, 23 knots cruising, 4000 passengers and 2000 crew. As compared to the Carnival Breeze which is 128,500 GT, 22.5 knots cruising, 3690 passengers and 1386 crew.

I'm not sure how accurate those numbers are, especially the passenger to crew ratio of 2:1 seems pretty high. If it is truly 4000 passengers I'd expect the crew number to be closer to 1500.

As for illustrations I haven't seen anything published yet. She's still a mystery ship.
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