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Drinking in Mexico for kids under 21?

E Wahl

New member
Hi all, my husband and I are taking our family on the Carnival Magic this Dec. We have my 18 year old stepdaughter, my 20 year old stepson, and the stepson’s 19 year old girlfriend. I am opposed to underage drinking in the US, and I won’t allow it on the ship, but read that the legal drinking age is 18 in Mexico. If you had kids in this age group, how did you handle this issue? Talk to them ahead of time, forbid it, look the other way? Thank you in advance!
95% of the countries around the World have a drinking age of 18 years of age (or younger) and for the most part that is not an issue or they would change it.

Not drinking any alcohol until 21, in my opinion, leads to many of the issues Americans have with their initial alcohol experiences. The percentage of Americans who abuse alcohol at the age of 21 is significantly higher than those at the age of 18 do in other countries.

I would look at it as a great way to be able to supervise their first legal alcohol experience. It will give them some experience and knowledge and possibly lessen the anticipation and over indulgence that typically comes when they finally become legal in the states. It could be a great bonding experience and a way to keep the topic of alcohol an open discussion in the family from now until 21 roles around.

All that being said only do what you feel completely comfortable with and be sure all parents involved are onboard with whatever is decided.

By the way, the idea of just turning a blind eye / looking the other way could just reinforce the idea that "As long as they don't see me or know about it, it's ok". That's definitely not something you want them to be thinking when it comes to alcohol or anything else.
Why won't the Americans let their children grow up? at the age of 18 children become young adults in the rest of the world with intelligence to match, if they are old enough to fight for their country at 18 they are grown up!!
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