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Comedy Show Sponsored by Carnival Cruise Line Raises $8,000 for Toys for Tots

Cruising Earth News

Staff member

A recent comedy fundraiser sponsored by Carnival Cruise Line and featuring three popular comedians was an overwhelming success, selling out the 350-seat Fort Lauderdale Improv Comedy Club and generating more than $8,000 for the United States Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program.

Sponsored by Carnival’s Global Contact Center and hosted by Eli Rodriguez, a Carnival personal vacation planner who is also a professional comedian, the standing-room-only event showcased the incredible talents of Happy Cole, Tommy Drake and Lester Bibbs, three hilarious comedians who are among the featured acts that regularly appear at Carnival’s fleetwide Punchliner Comedy Clubs and at comedy clubs throughout the country.

The benefit comedy show is just one of several holiday fundraisers coordinated by Global Contact Center employees designed to raise money to purchase toys for needy children as part of the Toys for Tots program. According to event organizers, the comedy benefit was so successful that plans are already in the works for another fundraiser next year.
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