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Cheers Program

john panning

New member
I have a question with the Cheers Program. I will be sailing the Breeze on Feb. 1. I see that soda is included in the program, but does it count towards your 15 drink limit? I'm planning on purchasing a bottle of rum from fun shops to be in room when I board and I was hoping that the soda doesn't count for the 15 limit as I would like to keep that for beers or other mixed drinks.
Soda does NOT count towards your 15 drink limit in the Cheers program.

We have also updated the Cheers Program information page to more clearly state this, thanks.
Cheers Beverage Program
Do you have to pay for the last day of the cruise for the Cheers Up program? My wife and I are thinking about purchasing it, but having ton purchase it the last day when you are off the ship by 11 seems a little silly.
Do you have to pay for the last day of the cruise for the Cheers Up program? My wife and I are thinking about purchasing it, but having ton purchase it the last day when you are off the ship by 11 seems a little silly.

No, you do not pay for the day you disembark.
I am not sure about soda counting toward your limit but I do not think you can buy a bottle of Rum on the ship and have it in your room. When we have bought liquor, they deliver it to our room, packed for travel, the night before disembarkation. Same goes for liquor you buy in a port, you have to turn it in and they keep it for you in the same way. I believe you can take a bottle of wine or champagne on board when you arrive at the ship, however, for in room use. Check the liquor rules by cruise line to be sure.
If you buy the booze duty free in the gift shop they hold it until the last day when you leave the ship. You will also pay a normal price for the booze. However, you can purchase, through room service or up to 7 days before you cruise on the fun shops online, bottles of booze or beer to be delivered to your stateroom for consumption on the cruise. The rule on that is that if you purchase a bottle and have it sent to your room through room service you will pay roughly $80 for a regular sized bottle of rum, for example, and they do not add gratuity but highly stress that you tip your room service waiter. You also CANNOT bring the bottle out of the room. It is to be consumed IN CABIN ONLY. They could not stress that enough when I asked about it. So I hope this helps.
I've never sailed with Carnival before. But I am curious about the program. I have heard that you can not use the program until the second day of the cruise. But you still have to pay for all the days????? I'm confused.
I've never sailed with Carnival before. But I am curious about the program. I have heard that you can not use the program until the second day of the cruise. But you still have to pay for all the days????? I'm confused.

That is incorrect, but I can see how you may have gotten this impression.

You can purchase the program on your embarkation day or the next day, either way you purchase it will be for the entire cruise. So if you purchase on the second day any drinks you paid for on embarkation day will be converted over and fall under the Cheers program and you will be charged for the Cheers program for your embarkation day also.

The ONLY exception to this is cruises sailing from Texas. Due to TX liquor laws the program cannot be purchased on embarkation day and any drinks purchased on embarkation day cannot retroactively be added to the program either. For TX sailings you purchase the program on the second day and for the remainder of the cruise.

Cheers Beverage Program - Carnival Cruise Line - Cruising Earth
Carnival seems now to be allowing guests to purchase the Cheers and Bottomless Bubbles programs in advance just like they can purchase shore excursions and Faster to the Fun. I have the option to do this for my upcoming cruise out of Florida and the restriction that Cheers cannot be purchased before sailing no longer appears on Carnival's site. I'd assume this, too, does not apply to Texas sailings (and now New York sailings have similar restrictions as the ones you mentioned for Texas) but I imagine this holds true for other sailings.
I have trip planning in April and it is offering me the chance to buy ahead of time - this is out of Texas
Questions about the cheers program: if I buy a bottle of wine that is not sold by the glass with dinner for the 25% discount, can I share it with my table mates? My traveling companion does not drink wine. Also, how many drinks does a bottle of wine count as toward the 15max? Are any of the shore excursion drinks covered?
Cathy, I know you can bring a bottle of wine with you on board & pay $15 corkage fee. You should be able to share with the whole table & I don't see how it could count toward your 15 per day as you did not purchase it from the cruise line. Just an option for you but I would double check that to be sure. I'm going on a 10 day cruise in May & couldn't afford the Cheers package plus my mom is my in my cabin & does not drink so the Cheers program is out for us since everyone in the cabin has to purchase it.
So if I buy the $50 dollar cheers card it will cove Sodas also?
This will be our first Cruise out of New Orleans on the Triumph.
The cheers program does cover sodas, but the soda program does not include bottled water, so you may want to buy a case of H20, which is 12 bottles for $ 2.99. You can get a glass of water, coffee, tea, or juice almost any time on the Lido deck, with or without the soda program.

We've cruised both with and without the cheers program, and it was about a break even for us. Consider that everyone in your cabin must purchase the program, that it will cost $ 57.44 per day with gratuity (include the day you board, but not the day you disembark), and you may be ashore for good portions of your cruise. If you're a wine drinker, each person can bring a bottle on board, and there are wine packages that are more cost effective if that is your beverage of choice. That, plus some of us can't drink on consecutive days like we used to back in college.

Cruisin has a chart that shows you the break even point for the cheers program. Basically, if you'll buy more than seven cocktails or nine beers per person, per day, you can save some money. It is handy- very handy IMO, to have your drinks on a fixed cost and not have to worry about it.
Thanks for the info. Do you have any knowledge of the Carnival Triumph ? Good, Bad, or are they all about the same ?

The ships are very similar, but there are differences. If you go to the Carnival website and click on "Explore", then the photo that says "Ships", they list all 24 ships in the Carnival fleet. You can select up to three at a time to compare them. The Triumph is a newer ship so it is a bit more modern and is larger mainly with more cabins. Many of the restaurants are the same, but a few are different, and the Triumph has an EA Sports bar. I've been on three ships and enjoyed all of them.
If you are booked on a cruise log on to your account and chose fun shops then In-Room Beverages and it shows what liquor you can buy to have in your room but Rum is like 80 dollars a bottle.