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cheers pass


New member
what gets my goat is that me and husband drink want to get the cheers pass but the other person in our room has a medical excuse so she cannot drink!!!!!!and she has to pay for it which totally is not right and really chaps my hide because of that last yr we had a1100.drinking bill and now im fuming ****ed!
Yes, it is unfortunate for many that "everyone in the same cabin over 21 must purchase". This is one of the main reasons many do not purchase the Cheers Program. I believe it most likely came about because the Cheers Program participants who are staying in the same cabin were more likely to break the rules and share drinks with each other. Just one more attempt to stop participants from abusing the program.

Although a doctor's excuse should be a good reason for Carnival to make an exception, in today's world with the internet and computer access the way it is anyone can print out a formal looking medical excuse as fast as they can print out the recipe to Carnival's Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. Carnival was just trying to stay a step ahead with the "No Exceptions", which again is unfortunate for those who honestly have a good excuse.

Keep an eye on the rules though they are still changing. Seems about once a month something still changes with the program.
awwww that is sad
I understand the rule which makes since & I have to agree with Greg - too easy to get drinks

too bad the other person has to be in the room with you - I'm looking forward to having a king-size bed with just hubby & me in the room - don't think I would want anyone else in the room with us (anyway they could stay with someone else?)
Do you know if they sale the cheers pass for specific days or It Has to be for the entire cruise. I would like to buy the pass for 4/8 days only.
Yes, it is required to be purchased for the entire cruise. Only exception is cruises out of Texas where it isn't sold till the second day due to state beverage laws, but is required for all remaining cruise days after. It also requires everyone in the same cabin 21 and over to purchase the program, without exception.

Full details here:
even the disembarkation day? I'm cruising out of texas on a 5 day cruise. Nov 2-7. I wont be able to purchase Nov 2, but I would have to pay Nov 3, 4, 5, and 6 for sure. However I am confused as to whether or not I would need to pay for the last day considering it would not be a full day. My cruise agent who works directly for Carnival (i've booked with him twice but naturally trust no one who makes money off of me) said that I don't have to pay the last day because it's charged by the night not the day. However the website says it's charged by the day and mentions nothing about the night. I'm TOTALLY confused because it seems no one has thought to ask this question about disembarkation day.
even the disembarkation day? I'm cruising out of texas on a 5 day cruise. Nov 2-7. I wont be able to purchase Nov 2, but I would have to pay Nov 3, 4, 5, and 6 for sure. However I am confused as to whether or not I would need to pay for the last day considering it would not be a full day. My cruise agent who works directly for Carnival (i've booked with him twice but naturally trust no one who makes money off of me) said that I don't have to pay the last day because it's charged by the night not the day. However the website says it's charged by the day and mentions nothing about the night. I'm TOTALLY confused because it seems no one has thought to ask this question about disembarkation day.

No, the Cheers Progam is not sold/available on disembarkation day. Each day of the Cheers Program runs from 6AM to 6AM the next day. Under most circumstances the bars are not even open on disembarkation day before you get off the ship.
what gets my goat is that me and husband drink want to get the cheers pass but the other person in our room has a medical excuse so she cannot drink!!!!!!and she has to pay for it which totally is not right and really chaps my hide because of that last yr we had a1100.drinking bill and now im fuming ****ed!
I have never understood that either, I understand people being really sneaky and trying to get free drinks for nothing, but I also understand that I have many friends I've gone with that are not drinkers or that even have medical issues and could bring proof of that, I think that that should be an option if you have a medical condition and are not able to drink you should be able to be opted out of that and not pay
I'm not sure, but I think it's the same on most cruise lines. We like NCL, mostly because of their "Free at Sea" deal...which sounds the same as your "Cheers Pass"...everyone in cabin over 21 must purchase. I get it...the cruise lines don't want one person in a cabin to purchase their Cheers Pass/Free at Sea, then have everyone else in that same cabin use it to get free drinks. They don't trust us to be honest...and I don't blame them. They'd go bankrupt if they didn't protect their own interests. I get the "medical excuse," but...really, it's super easy to get a doctor's note these days, so I have to side with the cruise lines on this. Sorry. Just my opinion, of course. An option is to get your own cabin (and Cheer Pass) and have your non-drinking friends get their own cabin. Or just pay for your drinks as you go. *sigh* Or...don't take your friends! Lol.