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Carnival - Cruise Director Schedule

Download Carnival - Cruise Director Schedule

Cruising Earth Downloads submitted a new resource:

https://www.cruisingearth.com/community/resources/carnival-cruise-director-schedule.17/']Carnival - Cruise Director Schedule - Schedule of Cruise Director's for Carnival's Entire Fleet.

https://www.cruisingearth.com/community/resources/carnival-cruise-director-schedule.17/']Read more about this resource...
OMG....just learned that MarQ is not on the Magic this year in May. He is the reason that we are back on the Magic this year. He was on last May and we had the best time ever mainly because of him WE LOVED HIM! Brought my whole family this year thinking he would still be there and I am so disappointed! Since this is my bucket list trip with my daughter and all the grand children, I guess I should have checked. We will truly miss you MarQ!!!!
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