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Cancel Subscription?

There is technically no "subscription" here at Cruising Earth. We do not send out emails other than the registration notification, and email address confirmation you have already received. After those two emails you will never here from us again unless you first contact us. Your account will set here quietly in case you want to login again tomorrow, or ten years from now. Just ask our members that have been here for 10+ years. They've never been contacted by us through email since the day they confirmed their registration.

That being said if you would like to delete your account completely we can do that for you. Just use the contact form linked below and ask for your account to be deleted. We will usually take care of this within 24 hours, at which time you will receive an email confirming your account has been deleted.

That's all good, but is it in line with GDPR?

Yes, everything here is compliant with GDPR. You contact us, ask for deletion, and your account is automatically deleted including any personal data associated with it. This typically happens within 24 hours.

We've never sent out any "marketing" emails, in the history of this site. So there is technically nothing to "unsubscribe" from. That is why you do not see a "unsubscribe" link in your registration and email confirmation emails. Once your registration is activated, you will not hear from us again through email unless you first contact us (send us an email, click on the recover password link, etc.), that's the way it has always been here. We've been fully compliant with GDPR before GDPR was initially adopted back in 2016, through its' implementation in 2018, till today.
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