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Can I bring soft drinks onboard Royal Caribbean?

Alcoholic beverages:
For Royal Caribbean, no beer or liquor are allowed to be brought onboard. However, a limit of two 750 mL bottles of wine or champagne per stateroom can be carried on. A $15 corkage fee may apply.

Corkage fee: A corkage fee is typically applied onboard when you bring your own bottle of wine to a dining or bar venue onboard and a server opens and serves it to you.

Guests who purchase alcohol bottles onboard, in a port-of-call, or bring more than the two permitted bottles on boarding day, will have their items safely stored by the ship. These bottles will be returned on the last day onboard for enjoyment once home.

Non-alcoholic beverages:
For Royal Caribbean, guests may also bring non-alcoholic beverages as carry-on items on boarding day. Non-alcoholic beverages may not exceed 12 standard (up to 17 oz. each) cans, bottles or cartons per stateroom. Milk and distilled water brought on for infant, medical, or dietary use are permitted.
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