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Carnival - RedFrog Pub Menu & RedFrog Brewery Menu

Carnival - RedFrog Pub Menu & RedFrog Brewery Menu Spring 2019


You can enjoy a pint served with Caribbean atmosphere at RedFrog Pubs across the Carnival fleet. But at one location — RedFrog Pub & Brewery aboard Carnival Vista — you’ll find North America’s first-ever brewery at sea. It’s right there inside the pub! Beer connoisseurs can be found delighting their palates with complex and delicious pints of craft-brew exclusives made just feet away by our onboard brewmaster, brews like ThirstyFrog® Port Hoppin’ IPA, ThirstyFrog® Caribbean Wheat, FriskyFrog™ Java Stout and ThirstyFrog® American Pale Ale. Plus, our brewmaster is always dreaming up unique, small-batch seasonal brews — take the brewery tour and find out more about how they do it at sea!

Of course, you’ll also find great craft cocktails at the full bar… after all, one of RedFrog’s founding principles is that good rum can be served up neat in a tasting flight, or mixed with refreshing tropical flavors. So fly on in for the great drinks, but stay for the atmosphere: live music, delicious bites and pub games make this brewery a welcoming, fun-for-all chill spot.

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