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New Promotion From Carnival Cruise Line Provides Discounts of Up To 30 Percent, Comp

Cruising Earth News

Staff member

Carnival Cruise Line is hosting a special mid-year promotion during July offering discounts of up to 30 percent and complimentary two-category upgrades to active and retired personnel of the U.S. military and Canada National Defense. Military personnel can also book up to two additional staterooms at these special discounted rates.

The promotion runs from today through July 13, 2014, and is valid on a wide variety of three- to 13-day departures to The Bahamas, Caribbean, Mexican Riviera, Alaska, Canada, New England and the Panama Canal through December 31, 2014.

Voyages operate from 12 convenient North American homeports along the east and west coasts and the Gulf of Mexico.

The promotion is valid for individual bookings only. Military personnel must provide proof of service. Eligible military personnel must sail to take advantage of this offer. Upgrades are automatically assigned at the time of booking and are based on availability in similar categories only (interior to interior, ocean view to ocean view, balcony to balcony). Certain other restrictions apply. Thirty percent discount is based off Fun Select rates.
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